Used in automation and production lines, especially when repetitive, fast and precise movements are required. In the machine tool sector, they can sometimes be used as complementary groups to move tool changers in order to free up the work area.
Cam actuator AMC manufacture in sizes 100-120-160-200-250 with maximum stroke mm 2500.

Cam slide
The cam slide is applied in the creation of automation and motions in many industrial sectors, in the automotive, food, chemical, paper and packaging industries.
Cam slides SMC can be produced in 4 standard sizes. On request they can be manufactured in different sizes or with trolleys of special dimensions.

TMC Translators and Elevators are mechanical groups which, using a cylindrical cam and a roller feeler, transform the uniform rotary motion into a linear motion whose acceleration, deceleration and speed characteristics are determined by the cam profile and maintained throughout the entire TMC positioning cycle.
The system can be assembled horizontally or vertically). The stroke is on request and can vary from 50 to 2500 mm according to the needs. Superior strokes or special movements can be designed.

Systems used in automation projects and production lines in particular when repetitive and precise movements are required. Due to the particular shape of the cam, the motion of the carriage will be irreversible in the end or intermediate positions, a characteristic which makes its use extremely safe.
Cam elevator ETC is manufactured in sizes 80 – 100 – 120 with maximum stroke mm 1500.

EMC elevators have been widely applied to automatic assembly machines, packaging machines and welding plants). They are manufactured in four standard sizes: 120-160-200-300 (sizes that correspond to the diameter of the cam) In case of particular or heavy applications, two or more cam elevators can be synchronized with each other and driven by a single motor. It is also possible to insert optional extras.
The products offer by CFT Rizzardi
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